中國礦業大學關杰副教授 |
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e-mail: guanjie@sspu.edu.cn
自2003年在中國礦業大學(北京)環境工程攻讀博士研究生以來一直從事電子廢棄物熱解資源化技術研究與管理體系學習。2007年12月加入上海第二工業大學,現為上海第二工業大學重點培育學科(XXKPY1303)學科帶頭人及環境工程系主任;參編《電子工業污染物排放標準電子專用材料》及《印刷電路板生產企業》污染物排放標準?,F為Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis;Hazardous materials;Waste Management & Research等學術期刊同行評議人及《環境科學與技術》期刊理事。
1. Guan Jie ,Li Yingshun.Product Characterization and mechanical property change of waste printed board by pyrolysis, The 9th Interional Sympocium on East Asian Resources Recycling Technology. Oct.29-Nov.2, 2007, Sendai. Japan, 47-50(ISTP)
2. Guan Jie ,Li Yingshun.Design Optimization of waste printed board Recycling, The 9th Interional Sympocium on East Asian Resources Recycling Technology. Oct. 29 -Nov.2, 2007, Sendai. Japan, 402-406(ISTP)
3. Guan Jie,Li Yingshun. Product Characterization of waste Printed Circuit Board (PCB) by pyrolysis. J.Anal.Appl.Pyrolysis. 2008, 83 (11):185-189. (SCI)
4. Guan Jie, LU Maixi,DONG Weiguo,et al.Study on Pyrolysis Process for Recycling Waste Printed Circuit Board. Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on East Asian Resources Recycling Technology [C].Beijing.9-15.Nov.2005,363~366(ISTP)
5. Guan Jie,LU Maixi,DONG Weiguo,et al. Bench-scale Study for Recycle of Waste Printed Circuit Board by Pyrolysis[C].IMPCXXIII. International Mineral Processing Congress. Turkey: 1-3 Sep. 2006. 2165~2170(ISTP)
6. Guan Jie,LU Maixi,DONG Weiguo,et al. The Basic Approaches and Realizing Conditions of the Resource and synthetic utilization of WEEE[J].Environment science & technology.2006.29(2):91~93
7. GuanJie, Li Yingshun.Thermal decomposition of waste PCB by Py-GC-MS analysis. 12th APPCCE Congress Aug.4-6,2008,Dalian. 2-375
8. 1) Jie Guan; Xu Min; Wenjie Wu; Chenglong Zhang; Jingwei Wang. Suppressing effect of Calcium-based waste on control of bromine flux during the pyrolysis of printed circuit boards. Waste Management & Research. 2012,30(11): 1145–1150,
9. 2)Jie Guan, Ruijing Su, Jinqiu Xu, et al. The indium characteristic from co-processing waste liquid crystal display and polyvinyl chloride via chloride volatilization approach (Waste Management &Research,2014.4)
10. 3) 關杰,徐敏,蘇立等.廢棄阻燃塑料的熱失重行為與分解規律的研究.環境科學與技術. 2011,34(2):42-46,
11. 4) 關杰,任浩華,徐敏等.風量對高頻氣力分選機分選效率及金屬分布規律的影響-以廢棄印刷電路板粉末為例.環境工程學報. 2013, 7(1):311-316,
12. 5)任浩華, 關杰※, 王芳杰, 等. 采用Design-Expert軟件優化高頻氣力分選機風量配合設計[J]. 環境污染與防治, 2013, 35(7): 27-35.(※通訊作者)
13. 6)任浩華, 關杰※, 王芳杰, 等. 多因素對高頻氣力分選機分選效率影響[J].遼寧工程技術大學學報(自然科學版), 2013, 32 (11) : 1505-1502. (※通訊作者)
14. 7)任浩華, 關杰※, 陳緒軍等. 床面傾角對高頻氣力分選機分選金屬的影響[J]. 遼寧工程技術大學學報. (已接收) (※通訊作者)
1) 關杰,王景偉.發明專利“一種廢棄溴代阻燃塑料的環?;厥辗椒?rdquo;,2012.9,中國, CN101797573B
2) 關杰,王景偉.發明專利“赤泥與廢棄溴代阻燃塑料共熱解的環?;厥辗椒?rdquo;,2012,1.(申請號:201210279940.X)
3) 關杰,楊慶.實用新型“一種用于廢棄電路板粉末粗選分級的雙筒旋流器”,2012,12,中國, ZL201220116091.1
《水處理工程》國家十一五規劃指定教材, 2008,ISBN: 978-7-80209-733-9